It’s about women. It’s about sisterhood. It’s about connection.
Will these herbs "work"?
I'm taking a little moment for a PSA about our relationship with herbs. We get asked all the time if our herbal blends will "work for you."
In a word... NO.
I'd prefer they not "work" for you.
I get it. Most of us were raised in a big Pharma industry mindset...
Have a problem?
Take this pill.
It'll work for you.
Or it won't.
And if it doesn't work for you, it's failed you. And so you have no use for it.
I'm here to remind you that plants, herbs... are Mama Earth's abundance.
We can actually take the time and energy to explore the relationship... explore what this herb or that herb awakens in your body when you choose to pay attention.
I want to help you connect with an awareness of the option to participate in a relationship based on respect and reciprocity, so that these herbal blends can support you in better connecting with your body... the body that shares the same Energetic Mama as the plants you're ingesting.
What if we related to our environment rather than consumed it?
Consumerism and Fertility are literally at opposite ends of the energetic spectrum.
I DO understand what you're asking, when you want to know if these products will work for you, but language is important, and language arises from the systems in which ideas develop. We are living in a seriously dysfunctional system of Consumerism ... which is consumptive... of the Earth and of US.
So it feels important to me to at least point to why this language, and this expectation of these plant allies to "work" problematic.
When we can change some of our language, we can change our minds... and when we can change our minds, we can better explore some of the systems in place in which we formulate our ideas...
And I have to tell you something super important:
most of these systems are actually NOT in service of our well-being.
Another question to explore:
Is it possible that you have the same expectation of YOUR BODY... to "work" for you? And if it doesn't work the way you want it to... do you see it as having failed?
Our bodies are in deep resonance with our home, the planet on which we live. I often wonder if infertility is our body's appropriate response to living on a planet which in struggling, which is being endlessly extracted from. How can we have a sacred relationship with our body's fertility if we are disconnected from our great mother, Mother Earth?
Each of us is a product of the structures in which we were raised, and it feels pretty clear to me, at least, that those structures have failed us. Our bodies have been medicalized and mistreated. Our fertility, our health... innocent bystanders.
I believe the best way to restore our connection to our bodies and to make choices that truly support our wellness is to start paying attention. Noticing the seasons can help us to begin to connect with our own cyclical nature. Getting our feet on some grass can help us to ground into the earth's energy. Noticing if we feel shame for allowing ourselves to rest is a powerful way to begin to intentionally explore our relationship to "striving."
We can't have all the answers immediately, and I don't claim to. What I do believe is that there's a better way... an ancient way. A way that so powerfully supported our embodiment and so, our sovereignty, that its memory was erased. Our female body's relationship with herbs to support reproductive health is written about in the bible, and I believe it existed long before then.
So... do herbs "work"?
I'd say, give them a try, listen deeply to how your body responds, and let me know. 😘
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