"Can you improve your fertility
every single day?”
Each day of your cycle is an opportunity to optimize your fertility.
Each of the four cycle phases requires different tools and support.

Our Mission
At Wisdom of the Womb, we believe in a world where women not only connect with but also deeply understand their body's innate wisdom, remembering how to listen to their menstrual blood, which has SO much to say.
We support women to feel embodied and empowered when it comes to their reproductive health, so that they can optimize their fertility and create the families they desire, feeling confident about their choices regarding fertility, pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood and beyond.
"Fertility is not just our birthright, it's our superpower."

Fertile Mama. Fertile Earth.
We believe that our disconnection from our body stems from our disconnection from the earth, the Great Mother, from her rhythms and cycles. Our devotion to the Feminine must include a deep reverence for and protection of the Earth. We are continually improving our practices to reduce our carbon footprint and create a sustainable future.
"Fertility is not just our birthright. It's our superpower"
Meet Wisdom of the Womb Founder, Ariele Myers, L.Ac.

From Ariele:
Our blood is our connection to our power... but thousands of years ago, Patriachal values deemed it "impure," even sinful. While that often feels irrelevant in our modern lives, it's mostly unconscious now that it's the "soup" in which we swim. Capitalistic and consumer culture has perpetuated a lot of the standards by which we learn never to love or trust our bodies. Our bodies are overly-medicalized, especially when it comes to our reproductive health.
That's why I created Wisdom of the Womb and developed The Fertile Mama Method, and have shared these resources and information that has helped thousands of women in reconnecting with their wombs and discovering the potential and magic housed there... and helped them bring their babies home.
I can assure you that every day is an opportunity for you to not only unravel some of the imbalances that contribute to infertility, but to also connect deeply to an inner world that is often longing to be known.
I feel immensely grateful that I am able to support women in their fertility journey, which feels a lot like helping them connect to their life force. If that resonates, I'd love to support you too.
XO, Ariele
Ariele Myers, L.Ac.
Ariele is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Certified Herbalist, Womb Worker and founder of Wisdom of the Womb, The Fertile Mama Method and The Whole Woman Collective.
Exploring and attuning to the cyclical nature of all things, including the body, relationships, business and even money, Ariele's passion is in infusing the ethos of the archetypal Yin/ Feminine back into life, for the sake of not only humanity but the planet. Lofty dreams, but luckily this includes play, dancing, pleasure, meaningful connection and deep rest.
Ariele founded and ran Ariele's Apothecary in Hoboken, NJ right outside of NYC for ten years. Theres, she developed relationships with some of the top Reproductive Endocrinologists and IVF centers in the country. They referred hundreds of patients to her, both as an adjunct to IVF/IUI treatments, but also to "try" for a year before going back to see them again.
When Ariele moved to Colorado in 2016, the referrals kept coming her way, so she created Wisdom of the Womb, her online platform to educate and share her products.
While her work now is far less focused on Western medicine, that background often helps her customers feel safe in trying something outside of the standard Western paradigm, where the body, and especially the female body, is often overly medicalized.

Ariele's passion now arises from the recognition that many of her patients who were struggling to conceive were ultimately disconnected from their cyclical natures. She recognized that a huge component of the epidemic of female infertility is a fundamental disconnection from the realm of the Feminine, including the body, the womb and the Earth.
Ariele's mission is to share this Wisdom of the Womb to empower women to understand their fertility and the power of their wombs, so that they can live as the Creatrix of their lives and create the families they desire.

The Fertile Mama Method
The Fertile Mama Method is perfect for any woman who has been trying to have a baby and knows in her body that her experience of fertility is SO much more than just having a baby. It's for every woman who is tired of being told that something is wrong with her body.
It's for the woman who wants to trust her body, to feel her body as magical and who is ready to feel confident and secure in her journey to motherhood.
It includes all the experience, knowledge, tools, techniques, heart, soul and WOMB WISDOM that Ariele developed over the past 20 years as an acupuncturist, herbalist and, most of all, womb keeper.
The Fertile Mama Method is Ariele's tribute to the sheer magic of the female body, the Divine Feminine, the womb and Mama Earth.

See what people are saying!
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I just watched the Maiden to Mother talks today and I am reeling in the best possible way. The gift of empowerment and agency you are giving women is not lost on me. I am so grateful I finally decided to take this journey into my womb spirit. Thank you for all you do.
— Janet
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just want to spread positivity and gratitude for Ariele and her staff for allowing this work to "do" them. I used all of the teas and bath soaks, yoni steam and womb massage oils. The biggest game changer was investing in the Fertile Mama method program. I just received my positive pregnancy test! This is my first pregnancy and I'm overjoyed! Allow this work to truly "do" you and aim to enjoy each phase of your cycle! Each cycle you are truly strengthening your fertility.
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