Organic Ingredients:
Horny Goat Weed, Milk Thistle, Scullcap, Lemon Balm, Gingko Leaf, Orange Peel Granules, Tribulus Fruit, Nettle Leaf, Honey Crystals, Passion Flower, Galangal Root, Saw Palmetto, Rhodiola, Green Tea, Ashwaganda Leaf, Cinnamon, Chinese Red Ginseng
Morning Rooster Herbal Tea Blend is a mineral-rich herbal blend that not only helps increase male vitality and stamina but can also help to improve sperm health and promote male fertility.
This potent herbal blend benefits men's general health in addition to reproductive health.
This product does contain a small amount of caffeine in the form of green tea.
5 oz. Loose Leaf contains approximately 20 servings
💕 When will my order ship?
Once an order is placed we typically ship within 3-5 business days.
The delivery time is typically 3-5 business days, but can be longer depending on location and circumstances.
❤️ Truth, Love, Trust & Support 'Baby Dust' Promise...
"This is my life's work and I promise to always love, honor and
support you on your journey towards having a beautiful healthy baby."
-Ariele Myers
🌕Licensed Acupuncturist, Board Certified Herbalist, and Integrative Fertility Specialist.
"So now we have gone from 3 days of bd per month to almost everyday (phew I’m tired y'all lol)."
"So my husband has a moderate ***** count, honestly I will say it was at an all time low.
Besides that he had super low libido and stamina.
We "BD'd" probably three times per month which is kinda difficult when you’re trying to conceive . So I decided to get him on the morning rooster tea.
He is definitely not a tea drinker so it was not easy getting him to at-least give it a try, so I added a bit if cinnamon and honey and he actually enjoyed the taste of it.
Anyway fast forward three weeks later, he literally wakes up every morning ready to go before he goes to work and when he comes home from work and repeat…..
So now we have gone from 3 days of bd per month to almost everyday (phew I’m tired y'all lol).
But I just wanted to encourage you ladies out here that may be dealing with the same issues as we were, give it a shot, I’m a witness that it works."
- Kayla K.

What are women saying about this "Male Performance Dust" herbal tea blend?

"Blessed us with this angel due in end of May."
"After 7 years of trying everything and almost loosing all hope, we did the Detox, Fertile Mama for me and morning Rooster for him.
Within two months I was pregnant and lost it, but we kept on drinking the teas and God came through two months later and blessed us with this angel due in end of May.
I'm 36 and never pregnant before, but suffered from PCOS. THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH FOR ALL YOU DO! 😘"
— M, Happy Momma
"Everything worked like a charm"
"My husband and I have been trying since November with zero luck. Him have I have been drinking Morning Rooster, Detox & Fertile Mama tea religiously for about a month and a half.
I am now 5 1/2 weeks pregnant. I am so thankful for this tea and this company for being able to make our dreams come true."
— Briar, Verified Customer

"I tried getting pregnant for close to a year with no luck. I finally decided to do something about it and purchased a package. I drank the detox tea, fertile momma and had my partner participate as well with the detox and morning rooster tea.
Less than a month later we finally got our positive test. I gave birth to my handsome little boy May 10 of this year. I am completely in love and owe you a thank you for making my dream come true to have our little one in our arms.
May God continue to bless you, your products, your business and all the people you bless with it. Thank you again!! 💙
And please please please ladies don't stop trying and believing, our miracle babies are worth the wait and to not loose hope. My best and blessings to you all. I once was a mommy wishing for my angel bsby to come true 🩵"
— Valeria, Happy Momma
Your Fertility Journey Is A Ride You Both Take!
While your body is doing the incredible work of potentially housing new life, His body plays an equally important role in this process!

Your Man Needs A Little Extra Love & Support Too!
As our men get older, their ability to reproduce may gradually become more difficult too - and when we throw in other factors such as sedentary lifestyle, poor food quality, and the chemicals found in our products... this decline in fertility may speed up.
Our guys can feel it. For most men, the sexual vitality they once had in their early 20's just isn't the same in their 30's or 40's. Their little swimmers might not be as abundant or "effective" either.
On the journey to starting or growing a family, it's important to not only provide your body with the support you need but to provide his with the same!
It's A Win-Win For Both of You! 😉
The name "Morning Rooster" says it all. Its potent herbal blend not only helps to increase his ability to produce more "swimmers" but to also waking up feeling strong, energized and... "ready to go"!
Trying to conceive can be an emotional rollercoaster filled with highs and lows... but when your man has more vitality, drive, and desire - the journey can be a lot more fun!

Your Fertility Journey is Better, Together!
There is something so special and powerful about being purposeful in this journey together. Choosing to support your own bodies individually is choosing to support one another and "your couple" as well!
Create a ritual of enjoying your teas together. With every sip, reflect on the love and commitment you have for one another and the family you're consciously choosing to create.
Since 2005, Thousands of Women & Male Partners Have Trusted Us To Parenthood!
Check Out More Morning Rooster Success Stories
"My husband enjoys this tea and drinks 2 to 3 cups a day. It does what the title says 😉"
— Jean A.
The natural way!
"Hello, I am 42 years old. I have pcos, 1 dilated tube and my partner had slow sperm and we were getting ready for IVF or IUI. We both started drinking your teas and we got positive test the natural way without IUI or IVF. Thank you so much for being such a blessing to women across the world…."
— Kate
22 weeks pregnant!
"I used your teas, the rooster tea for my husband and the yoni steam! & though we had 4 miscarriages. I am now 22 weeks preg!!!"
— Cissy
My husband loves it!
"I ordered this for my husband to improve sperm health. Overall, he loves the tea and drinks it daily. Thank you!"
— Michelle M.
We're pregnant!
"After trying for almost 18 months we are finally pregnant!.. My fiancé has had a vasectomy reversal twice after having scar tissue build up after the first surgery. We have been doing the teas since February post surgery. Don’t lose hope! We are 32 and 35 years old and this is my second pregnancy which was 10 years ago. So miracles do happen!"
— Jacqueline L.
This tea is awesome
"My husband didn’t have any problem drinking it. It boosted his libido for sure. Will continue to buy."
— Felena
Get Started With The Morning Rooster Tea or Bundle It With Extra Support!
Morning Rooster Tea
For Women Who Are Looking For The First Step In Helping Their Man Improve His Sexual Health & Fertility
Morning Rooster Herbal Tea Blend is a mineral-rich herbal blend that not only helps increase male vitality and stamina but can also help to improve sperm health and promote male fertility.
This potent herbal blend benefits men's general health in addition to reproductive health.
Male Fertility Bundle
For Women Who Are Serious About Optimizing The 'Full Package" Their Man Has To Offer
Get the Morning Rooster Tea with extra support! This bundle will provide your man with everything he needs to begin improving his reproductive health, improving kidney function, and detoxing his body - for your best chance at conceiving naturally!
This bundles includes:
Morning Rooster Tea 5 oz -
Detox Tea 5 oz -
Moxa Pole,
Moxa Extinguisher -
Ear Seeds and Guide -
Tea Infuser -
Womb Warming Massage Oil (for kidney Health)
Frequently Asked Questions
Unlike the strong drugs and hormone manipulation commonly used by fertility specialists, Morning Rooster Tea uses a carefully selected combination of natural ingredients to help strengthen men's natural ability to reproduce.
All the ingredients in Morning Rooster Tea can increase the chances of starting or growing a family by improving sperm motility, morphology, and count.
They also improve men's overall sexual health, vitality, and stamina - which leads to an increased desire to "try again and again"!
Ariele Myers is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Board Certified Herbalist, and Integrative Fertility Specialist. She has almost 20 years of experience and the birth of over 10,000 babies with fertility challenged parents to her credit.
Prior to moving her business online, Ariele had a 76% success rate of helping women conceive. She did this during the 10 years she ran her Fertility Acupuncture Center and top Reproductive Endocrinologists and IVF centers referred hundreds of patients to her.
She had remarkable results with women who tried to get pregnant for years or were told they were too old. This success prompted Ariele to start Wisdom Of The Womb to help even more women overcome pregnancy challenges through integrative healing and the power of natural solutions.
In her own words:
I firmly believe our bodies have power beyond what is documented in anatomy and biology textbooks. Science hasn’t even begun to catch up with the capacity of the female body when supported by ancestral wisdom to increase fertility and conception. Many of the thousands of babies in our testimonials were conceived after their mothers struggled against the odds.
While Western Medical fertility "experts" and methods can be helpful, they often rely on potent drugs and extreme manipulation of our organs, eggs, and sperm. Sadly, some doctors can be discouraging to the point they say they can’t help you conceive, even with the most advanced medical intervention.
In contrast, I often remind my patients and customers that their own bodies are perfect, and that infertility is often a symptom of living in a time when the "Feminine" has been profoundly undervalued. We ignore our intuition and gifts to keep up with the fast-paced reality of our society. We ignore our cyclical nature. When we can get back to basics, our bodies are incredibly capable of far more than we can perceive. Instead of accepting the limits of conventional western medicine, I empower women to dive deeper into the deep well of possibility contained in the womb.
What's missing from the purely scientific approach to our bodies (which is valid and important) is the recognition of the magic and innate wisdom of our bodies.
I help women connect with their own magic to make babies through the use of all natural and organic ingredients as opposed to overpowering drugs. The thousands of beautiful, perfect babies who have come into the world with my solutions are the best indication that our bodies are capable of achieving what doubtful doctors have dismissed.
Since 2008 we've supported our customers in bringing over 10,000 healthy babies into the world. This number is outstanding because most of those babies were born after their mothers had difficulties getting pregnant.
In many cases these babies were born after their mothers struggled for years to get pregnant. Many of the babies we hear about are rainbow babies, meaning they were born after their mother suffered through a prior miscarriage.
Those 10,000+ happy endings came from Ariele’s gift for helping women conceive. Her talent and knowledge regarding traditional Chinese medicine and herbalism is vast.
When it comes to formulating Wisdom Of The Womb products like our most popular tea for women, Fertile Mama Tea and our most popular tea for men, the Morning Rooster Tea, Ariele both channeled with wisdom of the earth and her years of training as an herbalist.
The herbs in these teas are organic and ethically sourced. Wisdom of the Womb focuses on sustainability and ethical practices, fair wages for our employees.
We have pages and pages of positive testimonials from women around the world who are thrilled with our products.
We ship your Fertile Mama Tea within 2-3 business days of receipt.
It appears the majority of items are arriving within 3-7 business days. Fertile Mama Tea moves fast! A customer in Hawaii received her packages in less than a week!
Ariele recommends using about a tablespoon of tea for each regular serving, twice per day. A 5 oz package of tea contains approximately 20 servings.
For the best results:
Add 1 tablespoon of tea into your tea infuser or french press.
Pour boiling water over the herbs and infuse for 5-15 minutes. Herbs may steep longer than 15 minutes for a stronger infusion.
Remove infuser or strain herbs and enjoy your tea warm, at least 2 cups per day.
Add a bit of honey or sweetener as desired.
Enjoy your teas together and remind him of the journey that you are both on together! ❤️
Yes, there is a very small amount of caffeine in the form of green tea.
When it comes to our tea schedule, there really aren't any rigid rules. It's more about what works best for you and your daily routine. You can certainly enjoy a meal while drinking your tea. The main thing to keep in mind is not to have an overly full stomach just before or after drinking the tea, as this might affect the digestion of the herbs. So, feel free to find a schedule that aligns with your lifestyle and preferences
Age is not as big a factor for men, so it's definitely worth it for him to drink it, but probably a good idea to have his swimmers checked too!
This Morning Rooster Herbal Tea Blend will be very supportive for him as it not only helps increase male vitality and stamina but can also help to improve sperm health and promote male fertility, benefitting men's general health in addition to reproductive health!