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Fertile Mama Tea: Herbal Blend to Support Follicular Development

Regular price   $44.00 USD Sale price   $34.00 USD Save $10

These Pro-Fertility Herbal Blend made for your hormone balance, follicular development and womb health


Discover what mama earth's plant allies, worked with by women for thousands of years & now formulated in a balanced, pro-fertility tea can do for your womb health. Made for your 20s, 30s, and well into your 40s, this all natural, organic herbal tea blend regulates your hormones, nourishes your womb, supports your follicles and encourages affective ovulation— connecting you with your capacity to be a Mama wherever you are in your journey. Go on.  You were meant for this.

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Fertile Mama is a highly effective blend that supports the female reproductive system, especially for those looking to increase fertility and become pregnant. Rich in calcium and magnesium, it strengthens the uterus, balances hormones, soothes and cleanses the liver, promotes circulations and tonifies the blood.  

Fertile Mama can be taken throughout the entire menstrual cycle, and is especially supportive when taking during the Yin Phase, or cycle days 5-12, used in combination with other our other teas. It nourishes the body’s yin, supports healthy follicular development, as well as the later thickening of the uterine lining.

5 oz. Loose Leaf contains approximately 50 servings

If you want to explore how Fertile Mama Tea may be used in conjunction with some of our other teas, check out some of our bundles such as High FSH, Moon Mama Fertility Bundle, Fertile Wellness Bundle and Recurrent Miscarriage Bundle.


  • Add 1 Tbsp. herbal blend to a tea infuser or French press.
  • Pour boiling water over the herbs and infuse for 5-15 minutes. Herbs may steep longer than 15 minutes for a stronger infusion.
  • Remove infuser or strain herbs and enjoy your tea warm, at least 2 cups per day.
  • You may add a bit of honey or sweetener as desired.

Not intended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Discontinue use once you have a positive pregnancy test.

Organic Ingredients:

Raspberry Leaf, Nettle Leaf, Red Clover Flowers, Peppermint,  Lemon Balm, Lady's Mantle, Black Cohosh, Dang Gui, Passion Flower, Ginger, Dried Pomegranate, Goji Berries

💕 When will my order ship?

Once an order is placed we typically ship within 3-5 business days.

The delivery time is typically 3-5 business days, but can be longer depending on location and circumstances.

❤️ Truth, Love, Trust & Support 'Baby Dust' Promise...

"This is my life's work and I promise to always love, honor and

support you on your journey towards having a beautiful healthy baby."

-Ariele Myers 

🌕Licensed Acupuncturist, Board Certified Herbalist, and Integrative Fertility Specialist.

What are women saying about this "Baby Dust In a Bag" pro-fertility herbal tea blend?

“It's not my rainbow baby, it's my miracle baby, and I have you guys wholly and solely to thank.”

"[My gynecologist] explained "You got a lot of things going up against you.  You're turning 35..." I do have pre-existing health conditions ... I came across the Fertile Mama advertisement.... I was kind of skeptical at first. Immediately I noticed my face started clearing up, it regulated my cycle... I was less bloated ...less sluggish, more energetic. We'd been trying for two and a half years, and I was drinking the teas about 2 months.... We did a gender reveal last week - it's a boy! My wish came true. ” 

—Krystall Alleyne, Brooklyn, New York

“To have prayed for it for so long and have it come true is really beautiful.”

"We're just so grateful and I'm so excited and thankful, and grateful for the herbs and the process that it facilitated... learning about them and the ritual....”

"I told you I was pregnant before I told my mom or my sister or anyone. I just wanted to tell you how important the work you're doing is, and if more women knew and could create this ritual for themselves in their lives. Just to see it come to fruition and see that positive test."

—Lindsay Sears, Dillon CO

Now it’s your turn.  Experience the word's first pro-fertility blend for yourself.

Eco-friendly Ingredients,Chosen with Care

Carefully made to our highest standards, Fertile Mama Tea contains only earth-given organic & sustainably sourced ingredients, so that our blend is as safe for our planet as it is for you.  We believe that connecting to our fertility must include a deep reverence for Mama Earth. We promise absolutely NO extra additives or unhealthy chemicals. Instead, we chose the most sustainably sourced ingredients available to develop this nourishing, detoxifying, fertility-boosting herbal blend.

Gentle But Effective, Developed with Every Woman In Mind

Fertile Mama Tea is our most balanced and "comprehensive" blend. It has supported women who had just started "trying" and women who had been trying for over ten years, even a woman who had had over 20 miscarriages!

Whether you have PCOS, unexplained infertility, endometriosis, fibroids, blocked tubes, high FSH or recurrent miscarriage, Fertile Mama tea is a great first step in balancing your body... without the risk of the side effects common with pharmaceuticals or hormones.

Fertile Mama Tea is organic, gluten free, soy free, GMO free, and of course, cruelty free.

Sustainable Packaging made with Post-Consumer Recycled Materials

Because we recognize our beautiful earth as the first "Mother," and believe that our disconnection from our body and fertility is a symptom of our disconnection from the earth, we worked hard to find packaging that would protect the longevity of our blends as well as the planet.

We use eco-friendly and sustainable packaging and avoid plastic whenever possible, so that our blends are as safe for our planet as they are for you.


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Unlike the strong drugs and hormone manipulation commonly used by fertility specialists, Fertile Mama Tea uses a carefully selected combination of natural ingredients to help build up your body’s natural ability to conceive.

All the ingredients in Fertile Mama Tea boost fertility because they:

  • Restore underlying hormonal imbalances
    Specifically this fertility blend supports liver health (to promote hormone balance), nourishes your blood, and promotes improved uterine health.
  • Stimulate natural detoxification
    Fertile Mama Tea improves circulation, stimulates natural detoxification of the body, and invigorates movement of Qi and Blood.  In addition it promotes overall calm and a sense of well-being.
  • Support ovulation and healthy implantation
    For both ovulation and implantation, follicles want to be ripe, juicy, and receptive.  Fertile Mama Tea nourishes Yin, the nutritive and fluid aspect of our body that supports healthy cells and follicles.

Ariele Myers is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Board Certified Herbalist, and Integrative Fertility Specialist.  She has 17 years of experience and the birth of over 5,000 babies with fertility challenged parents to her credit.

Prior to moving her business online, Ariele had a 76% success rate of helping women conceive.  She did this during the 10 years she ran her Fertility Acupuncture Center and top Reproductive Endocrinologists and IVF centers referred hundreds of patients to her.

She had remarkable results with women who tried to get pregnant for years or were told they were too old.  This success prompted Ariele to start Wisdom Of The Womb to help even more women overcome pregnancy challenges through integrative healing and the power of natural solutions.

In her own words:

I firmly believe our bodies have power beyond what is documented in anatomy and biology textbooks. Science hasn’t even begun to catch up with the capacity of the female body when supported by ancestral wisdom to increase fertility and conception.  Many of the thousands of babies in our testimonials were conceived after their mothers struggled against the odds.

While Western Medical fertility "experts" and methods can be helpful, they often rely on potent drugs and extreme manipulation of our organs, eggs, and sperm.  Sadly, some doctors can be discouraging to the point they say they can’t help you conceive, even with the most advanced medical intervention.

In contrast, I often remind my patients and customers that their own bodies are perfect, and that infertility is often a symptom of living in a time when the "Feminine" has been profoundly undervalued. We ignore our intuition and gifts to keep up with the fast-paced reality of our society. We ignore our cyclical nature. When we can get back to basics, our bodies are incredibly capable of far more than we can perceive.  Instead of accepting the limits of conventional western medicine, I empower women to dive deeper into the deep well of possibility contained in the womb.  

What's missing from the purely scientific approach to our bodies (which is valid and important) is the recognition of the magic and innate wisdom of our bodies.

I help women connect with their own magic to make babies through the use of all natural and organic ingredients as opposed to overpowering drugs.  The thousands of beautiful, perfect babies who have come into the world with my solutions are the best indication that our bodies are capable of achieving what doubtful doctors have dismissed.

Since 2008 we've supported our customers in bringing over 5,000 healthy babies into the world.  This number is outstanding because most of those babies were born after their mothers had difficulties getting pregnant.

In many cases these babies were born after their mothers struggled for years to get pregnant.  Many of the babies we hear about are rainbow babies, meaning they were born after their mother suffered through a prior miscarriage.  

Those 5,000+ happy endings came from Ariele’s gift for helping women conceive.  Her talent and knowledge regarding traditional Chinese medicine and herbalism can’t be beat. 

When it comes to formulating Wisdom Of The Womb products like our most popular tea, Fertile Mama Tea, Ariele both channeled wisdom of the earth and her years of training as an herbalist. The herbs in Fertile Mama Tea are organic and very high quality with the least worries.

We have pages and pages of positive testimonials from women around the world who are thrilled with Fertile Mama Tea.  

When you’re done ordering, check out some of our pregnancy success stories.  They include:

  • Women of all ages, even into their 40s
  • Women who previously experienced miscarriage(s)
  • Women with diagnoses of PCOS, Endometriosis, High FSH and more

We ship your Fertile Mama Tea within 2-3 business days of receipt. 

It appears the majority of items are arriving within 3-7 business days.  Fertile Mama Tea moves fast!  A customer in Hawaii received her packages in less than a week!

Ariele recommends using about a tablespoon of tea for each regular serving. A 5 oz package of tea contains about 50 servings.

Since you can drink Fertile Mama Tea throughout your cycle (which means every day), make sure you monitor your supply on hand so you can re-order without running out before your next bag arrives.

For best results, put about one tablespoon of tea into your tea infuser.

Place the tea infuser in your favorite cup and pour almost boiling water over it.

Let the tea steep for 5 to 15 minutes. The longer it steeps, the stronger the flavor becomes.  

While drinking, take your time and surround yourself with positive thoughts and energy while you’re enjoying your tea.  We suggest sipping with a relaxed and open heart.

Ariele suggests you start and finish your day with a comforting cup when your stomach is relatively empty.  

We can’t think of a more positive morning routine than having your first cup soon after waking.   Likewise, we believe a soothing cup right before bed gives your body the best chance of absorbing and using the maximum amount of needed nutrients.

For best results try to avoid drinking Fertile Mama Tea on a really full stomach.  By drinking Fertile Mama Tea with a limited amount of food in your stomach you give your body a better chance to absorb the helpful fertility boosting nutrients from the tea.

There’s actually no “tea” in this 100% herbal blend.  Even though it lacks caffeine, it packs a lot of power when it comes to jumpstarting your fertility.  

Instead of blasting your ovaries with overpowering fertility drugs and massive doses of hormones, Fertile Mama Tea combines carefully selected, all natural herbs to maximize their fertility boosting properties.  These ingredients stimulate different energies of the body to help you get pregnant by helping your body regain its natural ability to conceive and carry a child.

Wisdom of the Womb Moon Mother Botanicals_r1_01C_0094_800x800.jpg

Fertile Mama Tea: Herbal Blend to Support Follicular Development

Regular price   $44.00 Sale price   $34.00

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