Yoni Steaming FAQ
Yoni Steaming (aka V or Vaginal Steaming) is a powerful ancient technique that has been used by women across cultures for centuries. The steam from our blend of womb-supportive herbs gently permeates the vagina, promoting menstrual cycle health, overall reproductive health and fertility.

Wisdom of the Womb's B*tch's Brew Yoni Steam
Yoni Steaming is a practice that has been passed down through generations of women for centuries, and can support a wide range of reproductive health issues, but mostly helps you connect with your womb and your menstrual cycle.
Reduce pain, cramping, bloating and fatigue associated with menstruation.
Decrease heavy menstrual flow, eliminate and lessen clotting and spotting.
Regulate irregular menstrual cycles.
Support ovulation and absent cycles.
Increase fertility, especially when used in conjunction with other Wisdom of the Womb teas and support.
Ease menopausal symptoms such as dryness and pain during sex.
Reduce chronic yeast infections and normalize vaginal bacteria.
Speed healing after childbirth, including vaginal tears and episiotomies.
Reduce uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis.
Assist with the healing of hemorrhoids.

Organic Rose Petals
Soothing, astringent and cooling to the vaginal tissue. Can heal minor inflammation and abrasions and balance menstrual bleeding. Promotes love and acceptance.

Organic Calendula
Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Can reduce inflammation and treat minor yeast infections. Eases menstrual cramps, supporting the uterus and vaginal tissue.

Organic Comfrey
Incredibly soothing, promotes healing to tissue, reduces itching.

Organic Rosemary
Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic. Promotes skin healing and fights infection.

Organic Motherwort
Can help to tone the uterus, reduce cramping, powerfully beneficial to women's reproductive systems.

Organic Mugwort
Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic. Relieves cramping, balances hormones & maintains uterine health.

Organic Yarrow
Cleansing & healing, promotes circulation, is anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic. Can ease menstrual cramps, reduce heavy bleeding, and tone the uterus.

Organic Lavender
Powerfully relaxing and skin soothing, promotes healing and is anti-inflammatory.
Yoni Steaming, also known as Vaginal (or V) Steaming, is a powerful technique that has been used by women across cultures for centuries, in which the steam from blend of womb-supportive herbs gently permeates a woman’s vagina. This ancient technique is used to promote menstrual-cycle health, overall reproductive health and fertility.
Any woman who wants to connect with her womb and reproductive health should experience Yoni Steaming. You don’t need an “ailment” for this to be beneficial to you, as it’s a potent way for every woman to connect with the power of her womb. However, this practice is especially beneficial for any woman who suffers from fibroids, endometriosis, uterine or ovarian cysts, chronic vaginal infections, yeast infections, post-surgical such as C-section or hysterectomy, Post-childbirth tearing, episiotomy (as long as there are no open wounds and you are no longer bleeding), hemorrhoids, etc.
Women who are pregnant or think they might be pregnant should not be Yoni Steaming. Women should not steam while they are in the blood phase of their cycle, or menstruating. Because some of the herbs in the steam could cause stronger contraction of the uterus, women who have an IUD should not steam. Additionally, women with active infections or open wounds in the genital area should refrain from yoni steaming to prevent potential complications.
You can perform a steam up to 3 times per week, but our recommendation is 2-3 times per month, ideally at least once during each phase of your cycle (just not the blood phase). For pain during menstruation, you may want to steam 2 times during the week before your period is due. When you’re actively trying to conceive, it’s best to steam 2-3 times before ovulation. For healing from surgery or childbirth, as long as there are no open wounds and you’re not bleeding, steaming up to 3 times a week is recommended.
Yes!! The herbal blend and steam can actually cause some uterine contraction as it clears out old and stagnant blood and energy. This can change your cycle for a month or two, but it’s actually a healing, beneficial process. As healing energy brings QI to the uterus, stagnant blood and energy can be moved out, which may result in spotting, shedding clots, temporary change in blood flow, etc.
Nope! Essential oils will be way too strong for this purpose. They can actually irritate your sensitive mucus membranes. The herbs were chosen for their gentle and skin-soothing properties.
If you look on Etsy or other online stores, you’ll find special Yoni Steam seats that can cost you anywhere from $50-$75.
Here’s my Yoni Seat Hack that will save you a ton of money:
Head to Home Depot or Lowe’s or any hardware store, and buy the least expensive toilet seat you can find.
Take an old wooden chair and remove the seat cushion, or simply buy a large bucket. Cover either the chair or bucket with the toilet seat cover. Voila!
Be sure you have the following: A large pot/ Saucepan, blankets, towels, candles, socks, your favorite relaxing music, a journal for writing about any images or feelings that may arise.
Prepare an area where you can remain undisturbed for at least 20 minutes. Turn off your phone, play music, light candles, etc. Be sure to have layers nearby so you can keep warm.
Follow the instructions on the back of the Yoni Steam package!
Creating Your Ritual...
The first time you steam, you may be figuring out the “kinks,” but once you understand what you’re doing, this can be a beautiful ritual.

Undress from the waist down, making sure you have layers in case you get chilly. Keep socks or slippers on, so your feet can be toasty.

Place either the entire pot of herbs, or a large bowl that you’ve poured the herbs into under your seat, or inside the bucket. Place the Seat cover on top, and sit comfortably.

Your yoni will be exposed to the rising steam. The steam should feel warm but not hot or uncomfortable. Wrap yourself with blankets to keep the steam contained.

Let yourself relax! Close your eyes if that feels comfortable. Imagine your pelvis opening wide. Rest your hands on your lap, and focus on your shoulders releasing, relaxing.

Take a few breaths. Allow yourself, your feet to feel grounded. You may want to envision tree roots coming down from your feet and your bottom, spiraling down into the earth.
Consider listening to my Yoni Steam Meditation.

Continue to bring your awareness to your womb. Imagine the Ocean contained within your womb. Express gratitude for your connection.

Steam for 20-30 minutes. When you feel complete, call your awareness back to the “now” and move slowly as you dry off. It's important to not let yourself absorb a chill, so stay out of the wind.

It's best if you're able to lay in bed for an hour under the covers while you warm up. Steaming is best done right before you go to bed for the night.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Best thing I could of start using for my vaginal area it make me feel so good every time I use it before and after my period. It also help me with my fibroids and menstrual cramps. I would recommend this product and their other one too. Thank you for your amazing product that change my life.:
- Niomi D
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"HONEYYYYY these herbs are the truth‼️‼️ I sufferED from irregular period’s, I went to the doctor they prescribed birth control to help balance my hormones… GOD IS GOOD‼️ALL THE ⏰ because he led me to this page for all natural healing ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ @wisdomofthewomb Yoni stem , I steam a week before my menstrual & literally ON TIME IF NOT A DAY OR TWO EARLY, NO CRAMPS, NO BLOOD CLOTS… I’m headed to the site to buy more right now❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Gloria